About us

StampDutyRates.co.uk is an unofficial guide to the amount of tax property buyers in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales need to pay the government. The information comes from publically available sources.

  • 1) Answer eight questions on the Gov.uk website to find the amount payable.
  • 2) Make a manual calculation to find out the rate.

StampDutyRates.co.uk make the process easier and faster with just one form.

Source Data and Information

As the rates vary between the United Kingdom countries, we used several data sources. These are the official website of the UK government, the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) also provide the same information.

You can also calculate values for additional or second-home properties for each country. There are different rates imposed by the government in Scotland.

Website Feedback

Please let us know if you find any errors on StampDutyRates.co.uk by sending an email to webmaster@stampdutyrates.co.uk so we can investigate and rectify as necessary.